PSC/PSI Optically Isolated Power Supply Control System from Apogee Labs

The PSC/PSI system provides precise control for analog or digitally controlled power supplies. One PSC master controls up to six individual PSI units (one PSI per power supply).

The PSC/PSI system is used on the Spallation Neutron Source with EPICS and Labview software.

PSC/PSI is also being in the process of being deployed at the Institute of High Energy Phyics in Beijing, China as a part of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC II) project.

PSC Power Supply Controller

PSI Power Supply Slave Units

Custom Designs

While there is no reason to replace a proven standard like PSC-PSI for most deployments, some projects may require additional features. For example, Apogee Labs has developed a method to provide true RMS capability, which could be incorporated into a customized design.

System Flowchart (click to expand)
